
S. No. Title of events Type of event (Conf. / Workshop/ Seminar / Webinar/ Award etc.) Mode (Offline/ Online) Level of Events ( International or  National) Date & Duration of Events Organizers 
1 National conference and science exhibition conference Offline National 28.02.2022 ACP Sagar
2 Capacity Building and Personality Development Webinar Webinar Online National 22.04.2022 ACP Sagar
3 Award Ceremony for GPAT Qualifying Students Award Offline 21.05.2022 ACP Sagar
4 Blood Donation Camp Camp and guest lecture Offline National 22.09.2022 ACP Sagar
5 Analytical Instrumental Training Cum Workshop Workshop Offline National 24.09.2022 ACP Sagar
6 Clinical Training Training Offline 11.10.2022 ACP Sagar
7 Award on National Conference on Nano Medicine For Cancer Theranostics [DHSGU] Award Offline National 31.01.2023 ACP Sagar
8 National Pharmacy Education Day JagruktaRathYatra Offline National 27.02.2022 ACP Sagar
9 Integrated Approach of Science and Technology for Sustainable Future Conference Offline National 11.05.2023 ACP Sagar
10 An Interactive Session with General Manager Macleods Pharmaceutical Mumbai Seminar Offline 18.05.2023 ACP Sagar
11 Award Ceremony for GPAT Qualifying Students Award Offline 10.07.2023 ACP Sagar
12 Expert Talk on Pharmaceutical Formulation and Analysis Webinar Online 01.08.2023 ACP Sagar
13 Blood Donation Camp and Interactive Session with Dr. Sachin Reja Camp and guest lecture Offline National 16.09.20223 ACP Sagar
14 Awareness Programme On CPR  with Dr. Azad Jain Seminar Offline 06.12.2023 ACP Sagar